June is here! June is the final month in our 6 month subscription, so if you'd like to get another 6 month CSA share, make sure you sign up for the next round! We've got a delightful bag of goodies for you for June- here's what's in it:
May Flowers Herbal Tea Blend- red raspberry leaf, motherwort, wild roses, goldenrod, violet flowers, chocolate mint
This is a mellow, tasty tea blend that can be enjoyed hot or cold, with honey or without. It's very floral and slightly sweet and is relaxing to the mind and body. Drink with intent to flower to your full potential.*Caution- not for use during early stages of pregnancy.
Sweet Relief Bug Spray- vanilla, olive oil, catnip oil, witch hazel, citronella essential oil, lemon eucalyptus essential oil, rosemary essential oil It's gnat season here in Iowa. Clouds and clouds of gnats, along with lots of mosquitoes, and a fair amount of ticks if your in tall grass or wooded areas. This spray helps repel all those little buggers! It does need reapplied after a few hours, so stick it in your go bag if you'll be out all day. *Shake before you spray.
Wild Rose Honey Syrup- wild rose tincture, honey, organic grain alcohol, vegetable glycerineWild Rose is an excellent remedy to have in the home medicine cabinet, as well as in a first aid bag for when you're on the go. Internally, it's a relaxing nervine that can be used in place of rescue remedy. It's also cooling, which can make it a nice addition to ice tea or your water bottle in the summer. Externally, wild rose is cooling and soothing, and also increases circulation. It works wonders on burns, and even relieves the hot itchy feeling of bug bites. The honey can make it a little sticky, but this actually helps to hold the tincture in place on the skin. Energetically, wild rose is restores emotional balance and allows the heart to open while maintaining a strong sense of self.
PreMoon Tincture-
licorice root, pau’d Arco, vitex, wild yam, yellow dock (40%alc)It is generally understood that PMS is caused by hormonal imbalance in the body and this tincture will make sure the liver is in top shape to process the spike in the hormone process thus Take ½-1 dropper full 3x a day for 10 days prior to menstruation. Additional actions to help the hormonal break down process you can do include cutting out alcohol, tobacco, bleached carbs and refined sugar.
Red Moon Syrup-
motherwort, skullcap, crampbark, red clover, raspberry leaf, maca powder, blue vervain, blackstrapmolasses, honey, cocoa powder, cocoa syrup (40% alc)Take as needed during menstruation, ½-1 dropper dosages 3x a day or up to every 30min for relief from cramps, mood swings, lower back pain, mood swings, anxiety, insomnia, nausea, stomach upset, tenderness and irritability. Contains iron and other vitamins and minerals your body needs during this time.
Pine & Citrus Kyphii Incense- scotch pine, cedar, clementines, sage, lavender, honey, pine resin, juniper berriesIt's hard to describe the sacredness of this incense in words. Everything besides the clementines was wildcrafted or homegrown by us here in Iowa. It's been stirred and melding for months on an altar, with ingredients added bit by bit. To use, you can light the corner of a block until it's lit, blow out, and set in a fire proof area to burn. To burn more than just a smidge, use an incense coal or take a coal out of your bonfire or grill and crumble a bit of the kyphii on top of the lit coal.
Kombucha- black tea, yerba mate, organic sugar, kombucha culture, water