Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Out here on the prairie the mullein flowers are unmistakeable. Bright yellow and sometimes over six feet tall, and everywhere. Let's get up close and personal with mullein and talk about its healing properties.

Mullein is well known for aiding the respiratory system.  Mullein is in almost all of my respiratory tea blends, and is gentle enough for children. It's also quite a nice relaxing nervine tea. It tastes nice and can really help expectorate mucous from a dry, irritating cough.  Mullein helps to relax and dilate the bronchioles. You can also burn mullein and breathe the smoke to relieve chest and breathing constriction. To do this you can simply burn a mullein leaf and gently waft the diffused smoke towards you and breathe it in.  This has been one of the most relieving things for my (mild) asthma.

I've also called upon mullein's healing for childhood ear infections. Mullein flower oil can be used in the ear when the ear infection is due to a wax blockage. We've got a mullein flower & garlic oil in the works for just this purpose! Herbalist Kiva Rose likes to use mullein tincture for bacterial ear infections, saying the alcoholic preparation of mullein can aid in the drying needed for such an infection. Please don't put anything in the ear if there is a chance of a ruptured ear drum, see your doctor instead.

In looking at the flowering stalks of mullein, we can easily see how it represents the spine. The stalk is strong and flexible, like a healthy spine. Mullein medicines can also be used for reducing pain and inflammation caused by the misalignment of the spine and/or hips. Mullein root more effectively used with chronic kinds of disorders, whereas the upper parts of the plant are used for acute pain and inflammation of this kind.  Because it is also a nervine, mullein (nicely pairs with skullcap or vervain for this) can help relieve sciatica and other nerve pains associated with misalignment. A mullein oil infusion or a warm leaf poultice directly on the area, as well as internally taking the plant's tincture can help reduce pain and aid in healing.

Mullein tea or tincture is also helpful with childhood bedwetting associated with a weak trigone muscle. Not only for bedwetting and children, I'm sure some of you multip-mamas know what I mean.  After a few children, going for a run can be, well, leaky.  Mullein can help, as well as practicing those Keagals!  

I also want to add that mullein is a gentle and strong plant ally.  It's fairly neutral in nature (neither warming nor cooling), and has many generous offerings of healing. Go outside and find some mullein, it has so much to teach us!

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